Flute Tree & The Woodwind Group
Have the widest range of the finest flutes in Australia
From Student to professional our "Australia wide" agents are available to help you find the right instrument for you.
Matching embouchure to lip plate, timbre to playing style and cost to budget.
Contact us now to arrange a trial of the finest flutes and piccolos the world has to offer
Brannen - Bulgheroni - Braun - Hammig - Eva Kingma - Lyric
- Muramatsu - Miyazawa - Nagahara - Pearl - Sankyo
- Sheridan - TWG - Williams - Yamaha -
Plus more
Internationally renowned workshop
Woodwind instrument makers and repairers dedicated to the highest level of work for any standard of player.Reception
How to contact us, request information or brochures, sign the guest book and find other general information.
the Workshop
All you ever wanted to know about flutes - FAQ, articles, information about flute construction and maintenance and more.
the Studio
Concerts, tuition, performance space rental. Get together to make and listen to music.
the Showroom
Australia's finest selection of piccolos, flutes, alto flutes, bass flutes and contrabass flutes .